Tokyo, Japan
Japan will always be special to me. I had wanted to go since I was a kid kicking ass at Yu-Gi-Oh cards, so when my sister moved there it was time to go for a visit. I had an amazing time and I love the Japanese, and their cleanliness, organization, and hospitality. I didn’t have a camera there for that first visit so I made sure to have one on my second visit. Something unique I loved was that shop and restaurant workers will often care for plants growing in pots or even buckets that they put on the sidewalk. If I did the same in Prague it would definitely get stolen, not necessarily because someone intended to steal it but because they would think I left it out and don’t want it anymore. One of my favorite memories is having “fire ramen”, which was literally on fire and the flames nearly burned off my eyelashes. Another memory is going to a hotel spa and at the entrance there was a giant sign that said “NO TATTOOS ALLOWED” so I bailed and went back to my room, had two beers for courage, then went back to the spa and tried to feebly hide my tattooed body with a towel long enough to get into the spa and hide under the hot spring water. It was totally worth it.